In my last post I wrote of my connection to the moon marking out my soul-time. As we head towards a full moon I want to talk about a sense of perspective. As an earth-bound moon-gazer, I watch her beauty. I watch the wax and wane of the cycle of the moon. I feel pleasure in the tinges of pink or orange of a moon rise, the beauty of a moon rise.
stock image courtesy of Ganapathy Kumar
What does the moon see looking back at me? What does earth look like from up there? Not the bleached out moon craters that I see but the blues and greens of our planet earth wrapped in a candy floss of white clouds.
As an artist there is much to be said for a change of perspective. When talking of composition when I teach my courses, I ask that students fill the page, taking the line to the very edge, not plonking the subject floating in the middle of a white page.
Today I invite you to wear your moon-glasses and look at the world differently. Can you zoom in and get close up with whatever you are drawing? Can you observe the world from a different view point, perhaps looking up at a tree and drawing it from beneath? Can you be a fairy amongst the flowers and notice the macro detail? Can you look for the colour, for the wonder?
Moon phases from my Winter Sketchbook Retreat online course
Let me know what you are seeing through your moon-glasses!
If you enjoyed reading this and enjoy the meeting point of art and wellbeing; If you want to find your creative flow and stand in the infinite space of art making, you might like to subscribe to my monthly posts. Each month I connect to the season and share what is validating me, what inspires me. I offer a deeper space for reflection, and prompts to help you into a space of stillness, noticing and expression. Some months I will share a technique for your practice, other months I will be connecting with other artists and seeing how their practice brings them joy and what art and wellbeing mean to them. My subscriber post is emailed on the first of the month and I would love to share it with you. Join my community and together, let us create a web of wonderment.
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Interestingly, we are away on holiday at the moment. We are less than 40 miles away from home, but even just being in different location, a different landscape, breathing in different air, brings such different perspectives on life, on journeys, and on creativity 🌿